Thank You from the Twin Cities Robotics Group

We wish to thank the following entities:

Martin Maiers at Web Connections, Inc.
Martin provided web space for Twin City Robotics original web page at

We would like to thank for providing the web space and domain name for for many years.

The Science Museum of Minnesota for providing our monthly meeting location 1996-2013.

TCMaker Hack Factory for providing our monthly meeting location going forward.

And we want to thank all the people that show up each month to talk about robots!

As of 3/20/2014 we moved our monthly meetings from the Science Museum to the TCMaker Hack Factory. It had been getting harder to schedule consistent meetings at the Science Museum. So until further notice we will hold meetings at the Hack Factory. We are continuing the third Thursday of the month schedule.

The website completed the move to the new server on 4/26/2016.

We wish to Thank all the Entities who have step forward to help TCRG throughout the last two decades.

TCRG Home Page.