Wayne Rademacher is building this submarine that has a TV camera. |
Wayne brought this tracked base and his sumo robots that he cut out on his home made mill. |
A close up of Wayne's tracks which are made from chain. |
Michael Walsh had his new robot he is working on. |
Dan Larson's robot Fred. |
Fred with the Atmel eval board in place. |
Dan Larson's Ned robot. We hadn't seen Ned for awhile. |
Bob Odegard brought a box of free stuff. |
Someone drew this on the board. Looks like a BattleBot to me. |
Bruce Shapiro demoed some of his great creations. |
This is Bruces's egg plotter that kids built in his class. |
Bruce's original egg plotter. This one has a microstepper controller. |
Closeup of the artwork. |
Bruce's Shimmy Bot. A petri dish glued to a stepper motor. It vibrated and made cool patterns in the sand. |
A pick-and-place arm that Bruce is working on. |
Bruce has one channel of PIC Servo he is expermenting with. |
Bill Arden brought his Centipede BattleBot. |
Top view of Centipede. |
On each side Centipede has 8 legs, a long chain and lots of sprckets. |
Bill Arden is taking Centipede for a walk. |
Some people watching Bruce's demo. |
Some people. |
Some more people. |