Richard Piotter
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Richard Piotter
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- Type: 2 motor 4 legged walker
- Purpose: Walk (with slight phototropism)
- Controller: 4 Nv Microcore oscilator loop
- Sensors: Photoresistors
- Power source: 9 volt battery
- Status: Complete (future photo response upgrades will be done)
- Height, width, lenth: 3-3/8 inch, 3-1/4 inch, 5 inch / 84 mm, 80 mm, 120 mm
- Weight: 7.5 oz / 210 g
- Type: 6 Legged muscle wire (NiTi Shape Memory Alloy) based walker
- Purpose: Walk under manual control
- Controller: Manual switch box (tethered)
- Power source: 2 AAA batteries inside tethered control box
- Status: Works (want to build automatic controller & thinner tether)
- Height, width, lenth: 2-5/8 inch, 5-5/8 inch, 4-7/8 inch / 65 mm, 140 mm, 120 mm
- Weight Robot: 1.75 oz / 50 g
- Weight w/Tether: 7 oz / 200 g
- Type: BEAM Photovore
- Purpose: Autonomous light seeking abilitys
- Controller: 1381 voltage triger based BEAM Solar Engine
- Power source: Solar cell
- Status: Failed for unknown reasons after construction
- Sensors: Photodiodes
- Height, body width, total width, lenth: 1 inch, 2-1/2 inch, 3-1/8 inch, 4-1/4 inch / 23 mm, 60 mm, 75 mm, 105 mm
- Weight: 2 oz / 55 g
- Type: Solarbotics Photopopper
- Purpose: Autonomous light seeking abilitys
- Controller: 1381 voltage triger based BEAM Solar Engine
- Power source: Solar cell
- Status: Intermittent opperation. Needs motors lowered and solder touchups
- Height, body width, lenth: 5/8 inch, 2-1/16 inch, 3 inch / 12 mm, 50 mm, 73 mm
- Wheel base, width w/tactile, lenth w/tactile: 4 inch, 5 inch, 4 inch / 100 mm, 125 mm, 100 mm,
- Weight: .9 oz / 20 g
- Type: Solar Roller
- Purpose: Store solar energy to generate forward motion
- Controller: Sun Eater II solar engine
- Power source: Solar cell
- Status: Works, slight damage. Solar panel needs to be resoldered
- Height, width, lenth: 1.25 inch, 1.5 inch, 2.125 inch / 27 mm, 37 mm, 26 mm
- Weight: 1 oz / 25 g
- Type: 3 motor 4 legged walker
- Purpose: Expiriment to generate a FAR more efficient walking gait than possible with a simple Microcore and a 2 motor walker
- Controller: 6 Nv branched Bicore (Consists of: a 2 Nv oscilator loop with a pair of inline Nvs on each unit. the first Nv of the branch has 1/2 delay and the others are 1 delay. This creates outputs ~90 degrees out of phase with the central oscilator.
- Speed: 1 foot in 5 seconds
- Power source: 9 volt battery
- Status: HIGHLY sucessful!!! Expiriment proved I can get full time thrust, with no pause for lift. Excelent gait! See my web page for details. Future plans, reverse and tactile sensors, photo response.
- Height, width, lenth: 4-3/8 inch, 3-1/2 inch, 4-5/8 inch / 107 mm, 90 mm, 117 mm
- Weight: 6oz / 170 g
- Type: Light seeking "head"
- Purpose: Aim itself in the direction that there is the most light
- Controller: BEAM 2 Nv Bicore oscilator loop
- Power source: 2 AA batteries
- Status: Incomplete. Soldered primary chip in backwards! Oops! : ) I may solarize this robot by adding a BEAM type solar engine.
- Height, width, lenth: 1-1/8 inch, 4-1/4 inch, 5-5/8 inch / 25 mm, 105 mm, 140 mm
- Weight: 3.5 oz / 100 g
- Type: 4 legged 8 motor walker
- Purpose: Expiriment with complex mechanical arrangements and achieve a suitable walking gait
- Controller: 16 Nv net (4 Nv oscilator loop with inline branches extending off each unit).
- Power source: 4.8 volt rechargable battery pack (may change or be upgraded if this is insufficient power to operate the robot)
- Status: Incomplete. Preliminary tests can be done soon. Future controller will include a 4 way MUX and 2 Nv BEAM Bicore (a light seeking head drivien by the Bicore that will face light and physicaly change switches that reroute motor signals through MUX chips. This will give the robot a 4 direction turning ability (It will be able to move foreward, backward, right and left). Further expiriments may include analog controlled phototropism
- Height, width, lenth: 5-1/8 inch, 6-1/4 inch, 6-1/4 inch / 130 mm, 160 mm, 160 mm
- Weight: 15 oz / 430 g
- Type: Photovore
- Purpose: Autonomous light seeking abilities
- Controller: BEAM Unicore or Bicore
- Power source: 9 volt 60 mA solar panel
- Status: Incomplete. Research is currently being done on the Unicore
- Front height, rear height, width, lenth: 3-1/8 inch, 3-7/8 inch, 6 inch, 6 inch / 77 mm, 95 mm, 150 mm, 150 mm
- Weight: 12 oz / 330 g
- Type: 4 motor 4 legged walker
- Purpose: Create a phototropic walking robot that picks itself up when knocked over and includes an active balance system to keep it upright, even on side slopes.
- Controller: 4 Nv Microcore Oscilator loop for walking, multiple Nv chains and MUX circuits for balance and self righting capabilities.
- Power source: 9 volt battery (likely), or one or two rechargable packs.
- Status: Incomplete. Due to the complexity, I am saving it till I have fewer projects. Leg position sensing is non crucial, but would assist in the Nv net design. I have a working passive balance system that utilizes a motor's natural mechanical resistance when used like a generator to bias the balance of the system with NO power input, but due to the height of the robot, I wish to make an active balance system that can pump power into the balance motor if it is far off balance.
- Height, width, lenth, leg span: 4-5/8 inch, 2-5/8 inch 6-13/16 inch, 4-5/8 inch / 115 mm, 65 mm, 170 mm 115 mm
- Weight: 6 oz / 170 g (incomplete)
- Type: Tumbling robot
- Purpose: Move by "tumbling"
- Controller: ??? BEAM Bicore, Photopopper engine, or possibly a Unicore?
- Power source: Solar (possible battery power?)
- Status: Only mechanics built. not much else.
- Triangle side lenth, thickness, long leg, short leg: 3-1/4 inch, 1-1/2 inch, 2-7/8 inch, 3-7/8 inch / 80 mm, 37 mm, 100 mm, 70 mm
- Weight: 3 oz / 80 g (incomplete)